
Comprehensive Eye Care

Our office provides comprehensive eye care to patients of all ages and coordinates care with other healthcare professionals for optimal health outcomes.

A good word means a lot

PARALLAX Cataract surgeries

Comprehensive Eye Care

We provide comprehensive eye care to patients of all ages. Our doctors are fully trained and experienced to diagnose, treat and prevent conditions from myopia and hyperopia to glaucoma, cataracts and everything in between.

We strive to provide our patients with safe, minimally invasive treatments to effectively relieve symptoms and preserve vision and overall eye health. As a comprehensive ophthalmology practice, our services include not only laser vision correction and small-incision cataract surgery but also treatments for a range of conditions such as glaucoma, the diabetic eye, dry eye and macular degeneration.

Northern Ohio Eye Center

Learn more

Please contact us at (440) 886-2020
with questions or to schedule an appointment


Diabetic Eye Disease

Premium Cataract Implant Lenses

Macular Degeneration


Comprehensive Eye Care

Northern Ohio Eye logo

Contact Us

Northern Ohio Eye Center

ph: 440-886-2020
fax: 440-886-2779

Vision Surgery Center

ph: 440-886-1010
fax: 440-886-1025

Find Us


6355 Pearl Road
Parma Heights, OH 44130

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